Move-In Ready Homes

Note Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ligula lacus, cursus id velit ut, sollicitudin tincidunt augue. Sed ut convallis nisi. Nulla eu fringilla mauris.

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We currently do not have any move-in ready homes.

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Description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ligula lacus, cursus id velit ut, sollicitudin tincidunt augue. Sed ut convallis nisi. Nulla eu fringilla mauris. Phasellus in libero pellentesque, gravida dolor eget, tempor nulla. Curabitur velit erat, tristique et ipsum maximus, eleifend rhoncus orci. Morbi semper mi nisl, vitae finibus velit egestas non. Praesent efficitur nulla urna, sed consequat leo tincidunt a.

Site Plan

Site Plan

No matter where you decide to live at Rendezvous, there will always be plenty of open space to stretch out and breathe.

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